Appeal Procedure

    • Any appeal against a Housing Benefit decision will be assessed by an independent tribunal, called the First-Tier Tribunal at the HM Courts and Tribunal s Service. Upon receipt of the appeal the tenant will receive a form requesting further information on how they want the case to proceed, if there are any special requirements that need to be made and if the appeal should be dealt with as an oral or paper hearing. The form should be returned within 14 days.
    • A set date and time will be given for an oral hearing at one of First-Tier Tribunal hearing Courts where the tenant will be required to present their case. The tenant will be asked questions and is allowed to present witness statements and bring witnesses so that all evidence is heard. The result of the hearing will be given to the tenant on the day.
    • A paper hearing means that all evidence will considered based on the papers submitted by the tenant. The tenant will be advised of the decision by post.
    • Further details concerning the reasons for the decision and other findings by the tribunal can be requested as a statement of reasons within one month of the date of the decision.
    • Any disagreement with the decision by the tenant can only be on a point of law i.e. an error made in the interpretation of the law. Any dispute would be heard by the Upper Tribunal.
    by: tenancy solved uploaded May 31, 2018