Eligibility For Housing Benefit.

  • The Criteria for eligibility is as follows:

    The tenant is liable for payments in respect of a property occupied as a home.

    The tenant is already in receipt of a benefit (Income Support, income based JSA/ESA and Pension Credit) that entitles them to Housing Benefit.

    The person is classified as British.

    The person has passed the Right to Reside and habitual residence test.

    The person is not excluded.

    How the rent is paid must allow eligibility for Housing Benefit. If the tenant is renting from family members then this could be in breach of benefit payment rules.

    The local authority will make a decision on eligibility within 14 days of receipt of any application for benefit. Any delay maybe due to the authority seeking further information from the tenant in respect of the claim.

    Any award of Housing Benefit will only pay for the eligible rent for the property

    by: tenancy solved uploaded May 31, 2018