Warrant of Eviction

  • If the tenant is still in the property once the date for possession on the possession order has passed the landlord is entitled to make an application for a warrant of eviction. Once this has been filed the Court will issue a warrant to the tenant giving the date and time that the court bailiff will attend to execute the warrant.


    The bailiffs have the right, using reasonable force to remove anyone who still occupies the property. A locksmith maybe employed by the landlord to change the locks to prevent re-occupation following the eviction. The landlord is not permitted to endeavour to remove any tenant until instruction have been issued for bailiffs to attend the property.


    The bailiff’s attendance date is the last date that the tenant is permitted to remain in the property. The tenant should attend the local authority accommodation office if a new property has not been found by this date to make a homeless application. The application will assessed for qualification for advice of accommodation assistance.

    by: tenancy solved uploaded May 31, 2018