Termination of a Rent Act Tenancy by a Landlord

  • Termination of a Rent Act Tenancy by a Landlord


    Protected Tenancy


    The tenancy agreement gives the terms under which a landlord may end a protected tenancy.

    The following methods can be used to end a tenancy:

    End of the fixed term tenancy.

    Landlord serves Notice to Quit.

    Surrender –operation of the law or express agreement.

    Notice of an increase in rent is served.


    Statutory Tenancy

    Only when the contractual tenancy ends is the landlord entitled to possession by serving a Notice to Quit.

    The landlord is required to issue a claim for possession at court and also satisfy the court that there has been breach of the Grounds of the tenancy by the tenant and a result they are entitled to possession.


    by: tenancy solved uploaded March 8, 2018